Scattered Thoughts

Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Day at "Work" ;)

I feel so jobless lately..kinda tired of the joblessness. NO!!! its not that I have lost my job.. its just that I have no work to do.. Seems that my company is paying me to get bored. Hehe..

Am at office now, waiting for the lunch break.. Anything to just get out of here.. There are others around.. pretending to work.. some listening to music.. some playing games.. some mailing.. chatting.. and a couple of them who seem to be lost in the world of constants, variables, structures, arrays and much more I am sure! Aah.. there comes an IM from Anjan… :) she is at wits end too :P .. remem the joblessness factor..?? that seems to be taking a toll on all here. hmm.. we decided to change the template for my blog.. Looked around for some of them and finalized on this one. Thanks much Anjan. You made the job so simple for me. Now all i need to do is get the chat box in place and the links too.. That shouldn’t take much time. Come to think of it.. that is some good job done for the day.

I have a suggestion for the company though.. When they have no work for the employees.. they should “officially” declare it a holiday. Isn’t that just fair? Are you listening Mr. CEO?? Hellloooo?

Posted by Aarti :: 10:57 AM :: 6 comments

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